Dominion 2L 27oz.

Product 221343



Termiticide/Insecticide used for the control of subterranean termites

▪ Contains two pounds of Imidacloprid per gallon

 ▪ Creates a non-detectable barrier around structures, which helps aid in controlling the colony

 ▪ Labeled for pre and post-construction, as well as turf and ornamentals

When used for vertical termite barrires a bottle will make 90 gallons, as the 4 gallons per 10 foot of trench, would do 220 lininer feet of trenching.

When used for preconstruction horizontal barrier the 90 gallons will cover 900 sqft.

When used a systemic for plants, ornemntals, and tress, the rate of .1 pergallon is used making 275 gallons of finished dilusion. Able to treat 275 feet of height.


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