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3 Step Roach Kit

Product 235891




This 3 step process is the core of how a commercial applicator would be instructed to control and eliminate German roaches. The 1st step is using the I.G regulator. The 1 ounce bottle will make up to one gallon of finished spray. The I.G regulator is for sterilization of the roaches. Stopping their ability to reproduce. This is applied first. It’s a odorless, colorless product. We recommend using half an ounce to half a gallon of water. Saving the other half ounce for later. Apply to all crack and crevices, cabinets, and under appliances.

      The second step is done at the same time, after you apply the growth regulator and allow to dry, use the advion roach gel to apply 5-15 very small dots around the kitchen areas. No larger than a pea. If bathrooms or other rooms are showing roaches, bait as well. The advion bait gel has the ability to transfer from one roach to another. The idea is not to feed every roach but to get a portion of the roaches to feed and spread to the others. I would check the baits once a day and replace and refresh as needed until the population drops significantly. This occurs anywhere from 3-4 days up to 2 weeks. If baiting is taking longer than two weeks, that is a sign of competition with the bait. Make sure as much food and water is put up to keep roaches hungry.

      Once the population drops significantly you’re ready for the last step.  The Demon WP has 4 packets; each is designed for a gallon of water, or in a clean out situation, 2 packets to a gallon or a packet to a half gallon. Demon WP is a residual product. It is designed to kill roaches once they come into contact with the dried sprayed areas. It has a normal residual of 3 months. The idea is after a few weeks the growth regulator and the baiting have drop most of the adult population. What is left is stragglers and eggs that have not hatched. The idea of the Demon Wp is to leave a residual to catch these straggler’s and babies’ once the eggs hatch to finally break the cycle.

       We recommend for the first application of Demon Wp that you mix a packet to a half Gallon and then add the other half of the I.G regulator to the Demon WP. This is using the Demon WP at clean out power as well as reenergizing the growth regulator. Spray anywhere you can cracks and crevices, baseboards, cabinets, and under appliances. After this first application its fine to leave a few areas of baits out, especially around appliances. If any roaches are seen after 2 weeks to a month out, apply another packet of Demon WP. If 30 days passes without seeing roaches the issues is most likely resolved. The Demon Wp as a maintenance usually last 3 months.

     Extra steps can be taken in roach control. Foggers or flusher can be used before the 3 step process to drop some of the numbers. Dust such as Boric acid, orthoboric acid, and delta dust can be used in crack and crevices, if used we recommend after the Demon WP has been used. For more info on the individual products look them up on our site for full details. For a print out of the 3 Step process go to our info page.

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